Friday 1 July 2016

Transgender Individuals Can Now Serve Openly in Armed Forces - US


The Pentagon on Friday announced that transgender individuals can now serve openly in U.S. Armed Forces.

U.S. Defence Chief Ash Carter said this at a press conference in Washington.

This was made known during a press conference in Washiington with the U.S. Defence Chief Ash

In his words;

“Effective immediately, transgender Americans may serve openly, and they can no longer be discharged or otherwise separated from the military just for being transgender.”

“Americans who want to serve and can meet our standards should be afforded the opportunity to compete to do so,’’ Carter said, adding that the policy will be phased-in during a one-year period.

The U.S. military has also ended the ban on gays serving openly and opened all combat jobs to women.

The U.S Marine Corps also replaced “Man” with “Marine” in some of its job titles to ensure gender neutrality.

Carter said that the end of the ban on transgender service was the latest step by the Pentagon to be more inclusive.

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