Wednesday 18 May 2016

South Carolina Passes Bill Banning Abortion After 19 Weeks

Abortion of pregnancy after nineteen weeks in South Caroline is now a crime as the Legislature Passed a bill Tuesday banning abortions after 19 weeks of pregnancy. 
For the bill to become a law, Republican Governor Nikki Haley is now expected to sign the bill, after previously indicating that she favors the legislation. “I can’t imagine any scenario in which I wouldn’t sign it,” Haley said back in March after the Senate approved it 39-9 in March.
Speaking in favour of the bill, Republican Representative Wendy Nanney told Reuters. “In my view and many others it’s inhumane to subject that baby to pain at 20 weeks.”
The South Carolina House approved the compromise 79-29. The only exceptions made under the ban, would be if the mother’s life is at risk or the doctor says the fetus cannot survive outside the womb. Otherwise, it would be illegal to abort a fetus with a disability if the child is able to survive, according to the Associated Press, such anomalies are detected near the 20 week mark.
Twelve states currently have similar laws in effect.

Credit: UK Independent

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