Tuesday 21 June 2016

See The Face Of The British Man Who Attempted To Kill Donald Trump At A Campaign Ground

Michael Steven Sandford, a 20-years old British man attempted to kill Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in one of his campaign in Las Vagas.

Sandford who was arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told the Police he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the billionaire.

During his appearance in court on Monday, Steven said he went to Battlefield Vegas shooting range on
Friday to learn how to shoot. He said he fired 20 rounds from a 9mm Glock pistol to learn how to use it.

Police detectives who visited the range spoke with an employee who confirmed that he provided Sandford shooting lessons on Friday.

 Sandford told officers he had been planning an assassination for about a year and was convinced he would die in the attempt. He said he also reserved a ticket for a Trump rally in Phoenix, scheduled for later in the day, as a backup.

Sandford was charged with an act of violence on restricted grounds.

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