Friday 27 May 2016

Indonesia Government Approves Death Penalty And Chemical Castration For Child Rapists.

The Indonesia Government has approved Death Penalty and Chemical Castration for Child Rapists. The regulation which was issued on Wednesday May 25 by Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, provides tougher punishments for child rapists, including chemical castration and death penalty.

Predisent Joko said the regulation was a response to the crisis caused by sexual violence against children.

    "I have declared that sexual offences against children are an extraordinary crime, because they threaten and endanger the lives of children," he said

    "An extraordinary crime deserves an exceptional response. Therefore, this regulation imposes heavier punishments and additional measures for the perpetrators of the violence."

  Previously, the maximum sentence for rape, of either an adult or a child, was 14 years in jail. People jailed for sexual offences against children may also now be made to wear electronic monitoring devices after their release.

Demands for harsher punishments have increased following the gang rape and murder of a teenage girl by 14 men in western Indonesia last month.

Social Affairs Minister Khfifah Indar Parawansa said on Tuesday that the regulation provides greater punishments for offenders as well as psychosocial therapy for victims and their families.

Credit: BBC

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