Thursday 26 May 2016

Boy Commits Suicide To Avoid His Parent Anger After Crashing A New Car

 Ruslan Gutu, an 18-year-old teenage was reported to have committed suicide. Ruslan confided in his Girlfriend Athena, that he has crashed the new car they brought for him, and he can’t withstand their anger.

Athena told the coroner that he was 'shaking' as he told her he was worried about how he would pay for the damage done to his crashed car. 

He also asked if she had any rope or paracetamol and 'how much paracetamol it would take to overdose.' She told him he was being stupid and advised him to think of those close to him.

The boy sent a text message to his mother before committed suicide. The text reads;

    'I am sorry to have left you with everything but it is better this way. I will be watching from above.'

Sadly, his hanged body was later discovered in the woods by a park ranger, close to where he lived in his hometown in Bracknell, Berkshire. 

Police cut down the 18-year-old and paramedics at the scene confirmed he had died.

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