Thursday 26 May 2016

Iran Recalls Ambassador To Nigeria

Islamic Republic of Iran, on Wednesday, has reportedly recalled its Ambassador to Nigeria, Saheed Kozechi to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation.

According to a very reliable source, the decision was taken to avert litigations and brewing diplomatic row between Iran and Nigeria over the former ambassador’s unguarded utterances, which went as far as threatening Nigeria and the Federal Government.

The ambassador’s removal might also not be unconnected to likely indictment and recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission and the Kaduna State Judicial Commission of Inquiry which would soon make their findings public.

A top diplomatic source, who pleaded anonymity, said Iran withdrew Kozechi “to avoid litigation filed against the country and the ambassador in Nigeria and other international fora from ECOWAS Court to ICC”.

The source said: “After much pleading, he (Kozechi) was able to get influential Nigerians to ensure he was still able to say his official farewell at the Presidential Villa because you realise that from the way he carried on about the Nigerians state he should not have been accorded such courtesy.”
The recall could be seen as a saving face measures to avoid outright expulsion, which the country could ill-afford.

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